Workers can complete a Micro job in following campaign ( job ) Modes
All Jobs paid instantly as you marked satisfied by employer.
USA / UK/ AU /CA campaign
Only members from USA/ UK/ AU /CA countries will be allowed to do this job
- International
All members from all countries around the world are allowed to do this job
- Limited Countries
Employer have selected / restricted countries for do this job,members from mentioned countries will be able to do this job
How to Complete a Micro Job
You will need to have an active account to log-in on site and find a job
- You can find a job by Category or country
- You will need to select your working skills from categories in menu MyAccount -> Add More skills
- Click on job and read the job details & required proof .
- Follow the Required proof details and submit the proof.
- Employer will review worker's submitted proof :
If employer SATISFIED
If employer Not-SATISFIED
if employer doesn't check the Pending proof within 7 days, you will be auto mark satisfied and paid by system
Withdraw / cash out
You can withdraw your Cash balance any time when your balance reaches to 5$
- your success-rate must be above 50% to withdraw / cash out
- wallet balance can not be withdraw since its a total of all refunds,not earned by doing jobs
- you can select any available withdraw method and enter amount to withdraw ( minimum withdraw required 5$ )
- After withdrawal request no further action required
- You can see the status of your withdrawal process is being processing or processed
- We send the payments within 7 days.
- As your withdraw status showing Completed,make sure you have received your payment
- for any issue you can contact to administration for any support,
- if you want to start a campaign ? you can use your earned balance for start a new campaign and become employer.
For earning by referral system please check here
Thank you,
Mini Job Work