How Does Minijobwork  Works?
You can be either an Employer or a Worker. As an Employer you can create campaigns (jobs), that Workers will complete and submit proofs, so you can confirm they've done it. As a Worker you can complete jobs and submit your proofs of job done, and make money!
When can i withdraw my money?
You can withdraw your money when you reach $5 in your account.
How long does it take for my application to be approved?
Workers - Employers have up to 48 hours to either accept or decline your application. This excludes weekends (Saturday - Sunday). Please contact a member of staff only after the first 48 hours have passed since you posted your proof.
Why I Can't Accept a Job?
Make sure you have always a success rate higher than 50%. This success rate requirement will only start counting when you do more than 4 campaigns. This is to prevent bad workers from submitting bad proofs.
How long does it take for my application to be approved?
Workers - Employers have up to 48 hours to either accept or decline your application. This excludes weekends (Saturday - Sunday). Please contact a member of staff only after the first 48 hours have passed since you posted your proof.
User Account
If you are an owner of an account on this website, you are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your private user details (username and password). You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account or password. We reserve all rights to terminate accounts, edit or remove content and cancel orders at our sole discretion.
Job Fees
In order to maintain a world class 24/7 platform with a fully staffed administration team, we must charge fees. Please think of our administrators as your work team partners. We charge fees to approve every job, correct jobs, monitor the submmitted tasks, and provide support services. Job approval fee is $0.50. Fee for tasks rated Satisfied is 5% charged to both worker and employer.
How many accounts can i have?
Each person can only create one account. A user can be both, a Worker and an Employer at the same time.
What jobs can a Worker accept?
Workers should only accept jobs they are capable of finishing. Accepting a job and submitting a false or incomplete proof will raise a red flag. In most cases three (3) red flags lead to account termination.
What is Profile page?
Each user gets a Profile page which can be personalized to reflect user's experiences, beliefs and expectations. Users can edit sections such as: About me, Languages spoken, My Photo, Background image, etc. Profile page also shows user information such as: Nickname, Country, Work done, Money earned, Last login and others. Please visit your Profile page to learn about features and update information on it. Good Profile page will make you stand out of the crowd and can get you hired faster. this is how a Profile page looks like:
What is the Success Rate?
Workers must maintain a success rate of above 50% at all times (Satisfied tasks). Too many Not-Satisfied tasks will lower Worker's success rate. Low success rate prevents a Worker from performing jobs for the next 30 days. You can check you success rate in your profile. Check here for further information
What is the Temporary Success Rate?
Is the percentage of satisfied task in 50 days. This percentage should be above 50%. Otherwise, the worker will not be able to perform the tasks temporarily. To many "not satisfied" task will lower the worker's temporary success rate. Check your Success rate in Your Profile. Click here for further information: 
How can I offer a job to Workers?
Click on "Post Job", select the zone for the job and follow the steps to submit. . All Jobs submitted are reviewed for approval before displayed to the Workers.
Can I cancel my job that is still pending review?
Should you want to cancel a job before it is activated in the system, simply click on the Cancel link in My Jobs page. Funds locked for that Job will be credited back to your account.
Do Employers get charged for every task?
Employers pay only for tasks they are satisfied with. Minijobwork does not charge any fees for tasks that did not meet requirements set by Employers. Employers have a chance to rate every submitted task.
Can I stop my job once it is running?
Should you want to end your Job even before all available positions have ran out, simply click on the Stop link in your Job page. Funds for unused positions will be credited back to your account.
Can I revise a task?
Yes, if an employer sends a task back to you, revision is possible. Find the task in your task list, click the green revise circle arrow button and update your revised proof with the corrections as explained by the job creator. You are given 48 hours to revise the task. If you can’t complete the requested task and to avoid a negative rating, you may also delete the task. If after 48 hours a task is not revised, it will be automatically set to not satisfied rating. Please, report the job in case the employer asks you to provide a proof that is not in the job description.
Can I hide a job from the Job list?
Yes, go to "Find jobs", Choose a job and select the option "hide this job". You can also report or block the employer Once you hide a job, you can't unhide it.
How can I see the employer statistics?
See the employer stats in the job list view or go to "Find jobs" and each job has the employer stats on the right-side . Review his stats and be sure he has a good Satisfied rating on Jobs
What if the Worker ignores and did not correct the job, how long should the Employer wait?
Employers need to wait 2 days and then, the rating will become not satisfied automatically.
Can the Employer cancel the revise task request?
No. Employers will need to wait 2 days.
Can the Worker accept or decline the revise task request?
Yes. They can delete the request and the task will be deleted without penalty.
How many times can the Employer send back a task for revision?
Employers can send a task back to the worker 2 times. e.g. If he sent back a task to me and I did the job but I still missed something, can the Employer send the task back again?
Acceptable jobs
We accept jobs that help Employers promote their business (website, apps,...) or help them do something they cannot do by themselves; where they need more people and their knowledge to achieve goals. It is acceptable to ask Workers to: Sign up to a website, Write an article, Do a research, Search online, Blog about products, Place banners or links on their website, Upload or Download videos or pictures, Subscribe to newsletter, Vote online, etc.
Not acceptable jobs
We do not accept any job that could harm a third party. No spam or scam jobs will be approved. It is not acceptable to ask Workers to: Use a credit card or disclose their credit card information, Provide bank account details, Spam or harm a website, Use any form of payment to finish a task, Exchange money between payment systems, Create fake review, Give negative rating or negative feedback, Sign up to website requiring activation or membership fee, Sign up for a free trial or similar offers that might risk payment charges after free trial expires, Perform more than 3 connected tasks in a single Campaign, Asking for proofs to be emailed (all proofs must be places in proof box), etc.
When users deposit money using automated deposit option, money is available in their account immediately. On your first deposit, we will verify your identity. We charge no fee on deposits. Deposits options are listed on Wallet page.
Users can withdraw money when they earn $5.75. Withdrawals are processed few times per week. We charge small fee to process withdrawals. Different withdrawals options come with different fees. Users can select among Paypal, Perfect money, Payeer, Faucetpay withdrawals methods listed on Wallet page.
Scamming, spamming or misleading users
We believe minijobwork should stay a clean place - We work hard to make it reliable and useful to both, Employers and Workers. Therefore we do not tolerate any illegal activities, scam, spam or trying to mislead other users in order to gain advantage, get free work or ask others to perform actions that are not legal. We monitor many things in the backend and as soon as we notice strange behaviour, we put such accounts on hold and contact the owner. In cases where we are 100% a user has tried to perform an illegal activity, we will immediately terminate such account. Read the Terms of Use to learn more.
How can I stay up to date with my earnings and statistics from my affiliates?
Just go to your profile and select "referral program". You'll see your referral statistics.
Do I earn just for referring?
No. Your referrals must work successfully, earn money from the tasks they submit and you'll earn 5% of the money they make
Why can't I Withdraw the money I deposited?
You can ask for a refund and we will send it to you if the purchase is eligible. Only the money you earn you can withdraw. 
When will my task be rated?
Every Employer can assign TTR from 1 - 8 days. By default Time to Rate is 7 days. Employers need to review the tasks any time within specified TTR, otherwise all tasks are auto-closed by the system and your account is credited.
My Job is running without any activity
Please be patient - Your job is running and live. Workers need to chose jobs and complete them. You can increase job speed or distribution % by country for the campaign. If still there is no activity, You may stop the job, recreate it with improved version or increase cost per task to attract more users.
How to report a task if misrated?
Please go to My Finished Jobs area and open the declined task. Click Submit a complaint and describe your concern in detail.
PayPal Unclaimed for 30 Days
Before placing a withdraw request, please 100% ensure your PayPal account is verified and you can receive payments from the US. If your payment is unclaimed or sent back by PayPal your payment will not be recoverable by Minijobwork.
Can I put Bonus or optional steps into a job?
No, you can't. The job must not contain bonus steps. Also, you can't put in the instructions you will reward users with a bonus, if you want to reward a worker for a job well done, you can just do it without further notice.
How long does it take the withdrawal process to get the money I've earned?
No, there's no way to recover the money if you send your earnings to a mistaken wallet address. Be 100% sure that you're submitting the correct one.The withdrawal process can take up to 7 days. Usually, is less. Please, remain patient.
How can I find my referral link to promote this website?
Click Banners in your member area to find your referral link and banners.
How can I advertise on MiniJobwork ?
Simply log in your account and click the ''Advertise'' button, this will show you all advertising options that we suggest. You will also need to add funds to your account balance before purchasing any of the advertisement types.
What can not be advertised?
adult content framebrakers spamming racism forced downloads The website must not contain: Adult content or sexually themed material Drugs and Drug Tobacco Sales Discriminatory Practices Hate / Violence Sites Weapons Sales Pharmaceutical Sales Illegal Downloads including movies, MP3, software etc.
Refund Policy
All purchase are non-refundable. The purchase of upgrade is non-refundable. The purchase of exposure packages and clicks for your ads are non-refundable. The purchases of exposure packages for your banners are non-refundable.